913 Quotes by Yuval Noah Harari
- Author Yuval Noah Harari
La religión no puede proporcionarnos ninguna guía práctica a menos que también haga algunas afirmaciones tácticas, y es ahí donde puede entrar en conflicto con la ciencia.
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- Author Yuval Noah Harari
Some scholars compare human biochemistry to an air-conditioning system that keeps the temperature constant, come heatwave or snowstorm. Events might momentarily change the temperature, but the air-conditioning system always returns the temperature to the same set point.
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- Author Yuval Noah Harari
Hasta donde sabemos, todas las sociedades humanas creen en esto. Todas las sociedades dicen a sus miembros que tienen que creer en alguna ley moral superhumana, y que infringir dicha ley acarreará una catástrofe.
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- Author Yuval Noah Harari
Already today, many of us give up our privacy and our individuality by conducting much of our lives online, recording our every action, and becoming hysterical if connection to the net is interrupted even for a few minutes. The shifting of authority from humans to algorithms is happening all around us, not as a result of some momentous governmental decision, but due to a flood of mundane personal choices.
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- Author Yuval Noah Harari
Ein erheblicher Teil der großen Kunstwerke der Menschheit verdankt seine Existenz der Ausbeutung unterworfener Völker.
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- Author Yuval Noah Harari
Throughout this book we have repeatedly asked what makes humans superior to other animals. Dataism has a new and simple answer. In themselves, human experiences are not superior at all to the experiences of wolves or elephants. One bit of data is as good as another. However, a human can write a poem about his experience and post it online, thereby enriching the global data-processing system. That makes his bits count. A wolf cannot do this.
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- Author Yuval Noah Harari
On 11 January 2013, Dataism got its first martyr when Aaron Swartz, a twenty-six-year-old American hacker, committed suicide in his apartment.
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- Author Yuval Noah Harari
La cooperación humana requiere respuestas firmes y no solo preguntas, y los que se enfurecen contra las estructuras religiosas anquilosadas acaban forjando nuevas estructuras en su lugar.
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- Author Yuval Noah Harari
Duomenų srauto apimčiai ir greičiui didėjant, tokios garbios institucijos kaip rinkimai, politinės partijos ir parlamentai gali tapti atgyvenomis - ne dėl to, kad yra neetiškos, o dėl to, kad negali pakankamai našiai apdoroti duomenų.
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