913 Quotes by Yuval Noah Harari

  • Author Yuval Noah Harari
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    People easily understand that 'primitives' cement their social order by believing in ghosts and spirits, and gathering each full moon to dance together around the campfire. What we fail to appreciate is that our modern institutions function on exactly the same basis. Take for example the world of business corporations, Modern business-people and lawyers are, in fact, powerful sorcerers. The principal difference between them and tribal shamans is that modern lawyers tell far stranger tales.

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  • Author Yuval Noah Harari
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    Studying history aims to loosen the grip of the past. It enables us to turn our head this way and that, and begin to notice possibilities that our ancestors could not imagine, or didn’t want us to imagine. By observing the accidental chain of events that led us here, we realise how our very thoughts and dreams took shape — and we can begin to think and dream differently. Studying history will not tell us what to choose, but at least it gives us more options.

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  • Author Yuval Noah Harari
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    The idea that we need a supernatural being to make us act morally assumes that there is something unnatural about morality. but why? morality of some kind is natural. all social mammals from chimpanzees to rats have ethical codes that limit things such as theft and murder.

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  • Author Yuval Noah Harari
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    One potential remedy for human stupidity is a dose of humility. National, religious and cultural tensions are made worse by the grandiose feeling that my nation, my religion and my culture are the most important in the world – hence my interests should come before the interests of anyone else, or of humankind as a whole. How can we make nations, religions and cultures a bit more realistic and modest about their true place in the world?

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  • Author Yuval Noah Harari
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    Why do young men drive recklessly, get involved in violent arguments and hack confidential Internet sites? Because they are following ancient genetic decrees that might be useless and even counterproductive today, but that made good evolutionary sense 70,000 years ago. A young hunter who risked his life chasing a mammoth outshone all his competitors and won the hand of the local beauty; and we are now stuck with his macho genes.

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  • Author Yuval Noah Harari
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    To survive and flourish in such a world, you will need a lot of mental flexibility and great reserves of emotional balance. You will have to repeatedly let go of some of what you know best, and feel at home with the unknown.

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  • Author Yuval Noah Harari
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    Modernity, in contrast, is based on the firm belief that economic growth is not only possible, but absolutely essential... Modernity has turned 'more stuff' into a panacea applicable to almost all public and private problems, from religious fundamentalism through Third World authoritarianism down to a failed marriage... Economic growth has thus become the crucial juncture where almost all modern religions, ideologies and movements meet.

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  • Author Yuval Noah Harari
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    Die Kultur behauptet gern, sie verbiete „unnatürliche“ Dinge. Aber aus biologischer Sicht ist nichts unnatürlich. Alles was möglich ist, ist definitionsgemäß auch natürlich. Eine unnatürliche Verhaltensweise, die den Gesetzen der Natur widerspricht, kann es gar nicht geben, weshalb es völlig sinnlos ist, sie verbieten zu wollen.

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