91 Quotes by Zane Grey

"If you want fame or wealth or wolves, go out and hunt for them."


"Where I was raised a woman's word was law. I ain't quite outgrowed that yet."


"She had grown now not to blame any man, honest miner or bloody bandit. She blamed only gold. She doubted its value. She could not see it a blessing. She absolutely knew its driving power to change the souls of men. Could she ever forget that vast ant-hill of toiling diggers and washers, blind and deaf and dumb to all save gold?"


"She sensed in him loneliness, hunger for the sound of a voice. She had heard her uncle speak of the loneliness of lonely camp-fires and how all men working or hiding or lost in the wilderness would see sweet faces in the embers and be haunted by soft voices."


"The narrator finds that as a maturing character grows in stature before her friends that she sees less stature while evaluating herself."


"You and I will never live to see the day that women recover their balance."


"When I envied a man's spurs then they were indeed worth coveting."


"What's all the row over at Ben's?" [Mrs. Ide] inquired, placidly, from her comfortable chair."Rustlers, cattle, foremen, sheriffs, and Heaven only knows what," replied Hettie, distractedly."


"I've seen runnin' molasses that was quicker 'n him."


"Instantly a thick blackness seemed to enfold her and silence as of a dead world settled down upon her. Drowsy as she was she could not close her eyes nor refrain from listening. Darkness and silence were tangible things. She felt them. And they seemed suddenly potent with magic charm to still the tumult of her, to sooth and rest, to create thought she had never thought before. Rest was more than selfish indulgence. Loneliness was necessary to gain conciseness of the soul."
