60 Quotes by Zita Steele
"Be the person you are, succeed the best way you can and take pride in what you achieve."
"Is it weakness that inspires a person to elevate their mind above the crowd and seek a different path? On the contrary. That is strength."
"One of the most colorful and remarkable Ballinger family stories is the tale of how my direct ancestor, Joseph Ballinger Jr., became an American hero by supporting Major General Nathanael Greene’s army during the famed Battle of Guilford Court House in 1781 during the Revolutionary War."
"The whiskered goddess had two natures; as Sekhmet the lioness, she was a mighty queen of sun-fire and war, and a harbinger of raw spiritual powers. As Bast the cat, she was the gentle bringer of love and domestic joy."
"No law. No order. No time or space. Danger was the desert’s breath, and the landscape changed with every wind."
"The Germans were an inexorable force—their tanks and motorcycles swarmed over fields and hills like mechanized ants, accompanied by hails of withering gunfire. Houses crumbled like broken matchboxes."
"Whenever he closed his eyes to rest, he was quickly jarred awake by jumbled images of dead men, daggers shaped like winged human cobras, German snipers, and Eve Weathers whirling salaciously in sparkling underwear."
"Hieroglyphs and dark painted figures covered the walls in patterns. Bestial, doe-eyed faces peered out above archways. Half-naked, animal-headed people. Some had wings. They knelt, crouched, played board games, raised their bare arms towards heaven."