49 Quotes by litymunshi
"One straight lineHeart beats stopsUp and down ,lifemoves on.Strange!©litymunshi"
"one spoonful hopeone handful wooden fireone feet soilone glass of waterone man high sky one last breath in smile"
"used to see people in love . seeing them ,used to say -how heavenly it is ,they looks so happy in love. now i toughed by love- and don't say the same ."
"where is the source of power of man's restore? in physical strength ?or money? i felt -it is heart . men who has something might be stopped if no is peace in his heart"
"i believe happiness do not transform man .rather happiness gives growth after achieving happiness passing through transformation"
"relationship is home . not like a bazar . you like so you visit . other part does not even see you ,if they like to. you want to buy ,choose ,you are free .but that's business . in relationship feeling is important ,more than that equally acceptance is base of relationship . if someone stopping to accept this they must stop to continue to be used in a relationship ."
"could not sleep last nightbed cover of unease distance kept me awake windy whispers in summer nightwas telling you were awake one corner to another rollinglike swimming in a competitionmy heart wanted to seeyou then n thenwe live ,we loveon same earth mostlyrare within a real another world don't allow usto sleep in side your ,or mine restful love©litymunshi"
"what matter most ? _ you . only you.everyday every event would pass by through your vein"