67 Quotes by shivangi lavaniya
"pain is pondering about past and wishing to relive those moments even after knowing it's impossible."
"Expectations is the mother of all negative energies within in you..."
"I wanted her presence... but her absence was the reply... i wanted peace... instead her anger she try... i wanted freedom... it was her tantrums I got always... i wanted love... but it was ignorance i was gifted... i wanted to hate... but it was care i offered instead... i wanted to leave... but stayed indeed..."
"and nothing can be more captivating than the waves hitting the shore"
"Just we know what we want. Just we can discover our anticipation. Just we can understand ourselves. so find yourself. Invest time on finding yourself rather than investing enrgy recklessly on the undesirable people. Consequently disappointment will lessen and happiness will belimp."