67 Quotes by shivangi lavaniya
"I often ponderwhy extraordinary people remainordinary ?and then i realizethey chose to listen to the externalforce rather than their inner soul"
"I have a problem... i choose to love them rather than myself... and that's why i am always the one who suffer..."
"We don't forget... we remember... but later it becomes so faded and light in our memory that it no longer holds power to influence us anyway..."
"Sometimes what we think is good for others... might be destructive for them... you never know"
"A relationship that is made during the time of requirement isn't real..."
"What you were and what you are now... it's nothing... everything just lies in between..."
"and in the process of loving themcompletely i lost myself. . . now when ireflect about my past i am clueless . . .but still not as to them . ."