13 Quotes by stan goff

  • Author stan goff
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    So here I am, a white man telling Black children to not give white people the benefit of the doubt. It’s not prejudice I’m giving them, it’s survival. Don’t talk to strangers. Don’t trust white folk you don’t know. Don’t trust cops. The basics. When Black folk don’t want to walk right up and be my friend, I don’t take it personally, and I don’t get defensive. And I’ll tell other thin-skinned white people the same thing. It’s not personal. It’s survival. Get used to it, and quit whining.

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  • Author stan goff
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    I’ve never actually seen the military used to any higher moral purpose. There is always the bottom line, somewhere, somehow.

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  • Author stan goff
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    Remember that Caligula was not a cause, he was an effect.

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  • Author stan goff
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    Stupidity is a tough, fecund thing, like crabgrass.

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