110 Quotes by A.E. Samaan about Libertarian

"Tiranos sao eleitos e depostos.Leis sao passadas e repelidas.Nacoes surgem e caem.A liberdade do individuo e' eterna"


"All utopias are dystopias. The term "dystopia" was coined by fools that believed a "utopia" can be functional."


"If there is such a thing as "white privilege" its the belief that the last 200 years of progress in human liberty and technological innovation would have occurred under any other type of government. THE CONSTITUTION MATTERS."


"If your political theory requires humanity to "evolve", then you do not have a theory.... you have a dream."


"If you demand the collective to pay for your medical expenses, then be prepared for the collective to demand to make your medical decisions for you."


"People, imperfect and corruptible are society's building blocks. Political theories evading this reality are a catastrophe in waiting."


"The vitriol and viciousness is the inevitable result of a government increasingly deciding the vital aspects of people's lives."


"Politicized science is like a prostitute with an STD. You know she has been fucked by a dirty politician."
