110 Quotes by A.E. Samaan about Libertarian

"Individuals can only volunteer their will. The collective has no rights if not by the use of force and coercion. Collectivism is not a collection of individuals; It is the complete denial of the individual and its rights. Socialism is not cooperation of individuals; it is the denial of individual rights and individual dignity."


"There are those that want "freedom" from individual responsibility. Then there are those that want individual "liberty." I choose the latter. I am a Libertarian"


"Our Supreme Court is not a court of law. It is a court of conjecture and political fad."


"Workers of the world unite???? How'bout.... Staunch individualists disperse!!!"


"I do not believe in equality of results. I believe in "equal opportunity" and "equality before the law"."


"You can get to oppression through regulation, especially in an "Idea Economy" which necessitates liberty of the mind to explore."
