85 Quotes by A.E. Samaan about Libertarianism
"The road to evil is paved with socialist intentions."
"You either limit the government, or you limit the scope of your life. Why is the government that precious to you in the first place?"
"Every totalitarian Communist considered themselves as a Socialist first and foremost."
"You can either have individual liberty, or dependence on the government. One is designed to undo the other."
"There are those that want freedom from individual responsibility, and then there are those that want individual liberty. "Freedom" and "liberty" no longer mean what they used to. A desire for dependence has been made fashionably desirable."
"LEFTISTS EAT THEIR CHILDREN: The poets, artists, and radicals are murdered first once the "revolution" actually comes about."
"Liberty isn't everything. I just allows everything to happen."
"Faith and freedom is great, but it gets nowhere without faith in freedom."
"I think, therefore I am an individual... not a drone in a collective. I think, therefore I am... Libertarian."
"The idea economy is a conversation. Try to channel or control that conversation and you will stop the chatter."