4 Quotes by A.J. Compton about inspirational
- Author A.J. Compton
Although we try to control it in a million different ways, the only things you can ever really do to time are enjoy it, or waste it. That’s it.
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- Author A.J. Compton
Learning takes a lifetime and even the geniuses among us die ignorant. You should always want to learn, to grow, to improve. Otherwise what’s the point? You may as well just give up and die. There’s always new things to see, people to meet, lessons to learn. Life is both a classroom and a teacher. We’ll always be the students, never the professors.
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- Author A.J. Compton
Sometimes things don’t have to have a point. There’s a special kind of beauty and freedom in the just because.
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- Author A.J. Compton
A memory is never as good as a moment.
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