14 Quotes by A.J. Darkholme about Lifetime
- Author A.J. Darkholme
The older you get, the faster time passes in your mind, so use your time according to what is most important.
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- Author A.J. Darkholme
What's the use in prolonging life if you don't do anything with it?
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- Author A.J. Darkholme
Our knees get dusty from time to time, but when they touch the ground, we must never allow the dust to convince us that our submission in that moment is the acceptance of our defeat for an entire lifetime.
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- Author A.J. Darkholme
Sometimes we exist long enough to lead the next generation; other times, only to plant a seed and let its resonations of our time here on Earth ripple into new waves.
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- Author A.J. Darkholme
When all is said and done, everyone should be able to look back on their life and know that they made it exactly as they wanted it to be.
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