180 Quotes by AVIS Viswanathan about Happiness
- Author AVIS Viswanathan
Conviction is an inside job. It is a very personal feeling. It is intuitive. You can’t explain it. Words will fail you. And it is your Bliss that fuels your conviction. Your Bliss will drive you to take decisions, make choices, convince people and it will draw you into its fold…into a beautiful, magical space where logic hardly matters or prevails!
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
When your Bliss comes calling, you have a huge responsibility: you must trust the process of Life! You have to let go of whatever you are clinging on to and go with the flow of Life. It may be scary, even unnerving, at times, but this is what makes Life fun. So, think of it as romance, celebrate its raw beauty, that sense of uncertainty…Remember, only an unscripted adventure can offer you this quality of inner peace and joy – pure and immersive!
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
Your Bliss is your fuel! It is your alarm clock…it is your Americano...it is your double large Single Malt on the rocks!! It will wake you up, keep you awake, lead you, draw you in, drive you and, importantly, it will give you a perpetual high!
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
Be focused on your Happiness. Deciding what not to do, because doing it doesn’t make you happy, is as important as knowing what to do. You often arrive at doing what you love doing by choosing not to do stuff that makes you unhappy!
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
If you are not coming alive each day when you wake up, if you are dragging yourself to work every day just to earn a living, you are perhaps then intensely, seriously, unhappy with whatever you are doing. Instead of subjecting yourself to all this misery, on the altar of a deceptive sense of economic security, pause, reflect and re-examine your priorities. Ask yourself what will make you deliriously happy? And simply go do it! Then, as you will discover, doors will open…always!
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
When you start viewing another person’s Life and wonder “how’s it that they are having a good time when I am not?”, well then, you have invited suffering into your own Life! Be sure…1. You don’t know their story and don’t quite know if they are really having a ‘good’ time and 2. It’s their Life and another person’s Life is none of your business! Seriously. So, to be happy, stop comparing yourself with others. Period.
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
You wake up from your stupor, from taking your Life for granted, only when you understand its transient nature. When you realize that it is a limited-period offer, that it is literally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity…that’s when you really start living!
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
It is perfectly fine to search all over, stumble along the way, and eventually find Happiness within you, in being who you are, in living with what is!
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
When you feel dejected that your love and your sacrifice are not recognized by those around you, remember that you only have a right to your actions, to your choices. You don't have a right to expect them to be appreciated, valued or understood by others. This is an irrefutable, non-negotiable, truth about Life. Such is Life. So, stop lamenting, simply accept this suchness of Life and move on…
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