39 Quotes by AVIS Viswanathan about bliss
"You have been gifted a spiritual talent by Life. Don’t fritter this blessing away. Following your Bliss is, therefore, a decision, a responsibility."
"Find some time daily to do what makes you come alive. Do this unfailingly, mindfully, with great love. And feel yourself drenched in Happiness, in your Bliss!"
"Bliss is not an abstract, unattainable state or quality. You will experience Bliss when you do what you love doing. Each of us has a special spiritual talent. Doing that one activity, honing that talent, makes us lose ourselves – in that state worry, sadness, worldly challenges, physical pain…all these dissolve and you are soaked in Happiness! That state is Bliss…and it is available to you if you choose not to postpone Happiness and you go do what you love doing!"
"Following your Bliss holds you up when you are falling apart. Your Bliss is your Life’s Special Purpose Vehicle. Pain, darkness, confusion, chaos…all of them are integral to the process of Life. But following your Bliss offers you that opportunity to escape, to dissolve in the moment…and to find meaning, Purpose and Happiness …no matter how challenging the circumstances are!"
"The central idea about Bliss is that there is nowhere to reach, nothing to prove, no one to impress, nothing to achieve…you just follow it, for the sake of your inner joy…and it will lead you to where you must arrive!"
"Life is precious. Please don’t squander away your spiritual gift, your inherent talent. Use it to live your Life fully, to live it happily!"
"Prayer, especially when you have lost everything – including hope, is simple. Just surrender to the Higher Energy that governs all of creation. No questions to ask. No grants to seek. You truly don’t know what to do. So, you surrender. Offering yourself to be led, willing to go where Life takes you, to wherever you must arrive. Such unconditional prayer, in complete surrender, is Bliss!"
"Is there a right time to follow your Bliss? Not really. You postpone your Happiness, following your Bliss, only because you think you have a lot of time later in Life to do what you love doing. But the truth is that there is not enough time. Life comes with an expiry date; it is a one-time, limited-period offer. So, if you are not living your Life fully, happily, you are losing precious time. Simply, there is no better time than NOW to do what you love doing!"
"Make your Bliss the reason why you live and then watch the magic unfold. All that you need will flow to you on its own! Every single time!!!"
"Don’t feed your insecurities, your fears, your worries. Invest your time, attention, energy and resources only in your Happiness, in what makes you truly come alive. Remember, this is the only Life you have!"