39 Quotes by AVIS Viswanathan about bliss

"Only what you love doing, only what flows from within you, will give you an immersive experience. Only doing such work can make forget who you are, forget your worries, and make you really, really happy."


"When you are coping with a challenging phase in Life, try this approach. Do all that you possibly, and practically, can in the given context, even if you don’t like doing such stuff. And then pour your heart into your art, into whatever you love doing. Do this daily. Soon, you will train your mind to go with the flow. That’s really how you learn to go with the flow. One day at a time, slowly, surely…"


"Life is intrinsically meaningless. Because you came with nothing and you will go with nothing. But you can bring meaning to your Life by doing something that makes you come alive, anything that makes you enthusiastic about the process of living. This is what living purposefully is all about, doing what you love, doing what can make this a better world."


"We must employ our intelligence wisely. Do you want to feed your fears or do you want to feed your Bliss? Some opportunities that will give us great joy may not always be financially rewarding. And some opportunities may be giving us only money and no joy. Invest in your Bliss. It will never fail you."


"Bliss has a funny, inexplicable, often bizarre, magnetic pull. To draw you into its fold, it will conspire to create opportunities and circumstances that will make you sit up, take notice, make choices, change direction and destination. You will be often left with a this-is-the-only-choice situation. Why? Because yehi hai right choice baby! Because Life wants you to arrive at the point where a new Life is waiting for you!"


"When you come home, after a hard day’s work, don’t you feel you belong there…when you are on your way home…isn’t there a longing to get home, lounge, goof off, just be, just chill…so it is when your Bliss finds you or when you find your Bliss…you feel you have finally come home, to a place that you always longed for, where you truly belong."


"Every story is precious. Each one of us is making our own myth with our choices. And our stories evolve over time, with the following of our Bliss. As long as we are not obsessed with how others' stories are unfolding, of how their lives are shaping up, and are instead offering ourselves to be led in the direction of our joy, we will always be happy no matter hard the going really gets!"


"Your role is to travel in the direction of what you believe in, what you love doing. And Life’s job is to get you there. Everyone – and every thing – that you need will always arrive, in time, to get you to where you must arrive!"


"When you follow your Bliss, magic happens. Life speaks through you and everything you do is art, everything you do touches people, and every offering of yours makes the world a better place."


"Intelligent living is not about applying your human intelligence, your cleverness, to your Life. It is about living intelligently, it is about choosing wisely on what, how, where, and why to invest your time and energy! You know you are going to die some day, so, do only what is worth it, what is worth your time and effort, and what gives you unadulterated, unparalleled, indescribable joy, a.k.a your Bliss!!!"
