39 Quotes by AVIS Viswanathan about bliss
- Author AVIS Viswanathan
Your role is to travel in the direction of what you believe in, what you love doing. And Life’s job is to get you there. Everyone – and every thing – that you need will always arrive, in time, to get you to where you must arrive!
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
When you follow your Bliss, magic happens. Life speaks through you and everything you do is art, everything you do touches people, and every offering of yours makes the world a better place.
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
Intelligent living is not about applying your human intelligence, your cleverness, to your Life. It is about living intelligently, it is about choosing wisely on what, how, where, and why to invest your time and energy! You know you are going to die some day, so, do only what is worth it, what is worth your time and effort, and what gives you unadulterated, unparalleled, indescribable joy, a.k.a your Bliss!!!
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
Do you find your Bliss or does your Bliss find you? When you step out of the earning-a-living or economic circle of your Life, when you are willing to allow Life to lead you, your Bliss will come calling. It will come back, again and again, whenever you step out of the earning-a-living circle…until you embrace it, until your make your Bliss your Life! This is an irrefutable truth, this is how Life works!
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
Do you find your Bliss or does your Bliss find you? When you step out of the earning-a-living or economic circle of your Life, when you are willing to allow Life to lead you, your Bliss will come calling. It will come back, again and again, whenever you step out of the earning-a-living circle…until you embrace it, until you make your Bliss your Life! This is an irrefutable truth, this is how Life works!
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
Following your Bliss has this supernatural, superhuman, quality – it makes Creation speak through you.
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
Conviction is an inside job. It is a very personal feeling. It is intuitive. You can’t explain it. Words will fail you. And it is your Bliss that fuels your conviction. Your Bliss will drive you to take decisions, make choices, convince people and it will draw you into its fold…into a beautiful, magical space where logic hardly matters or prevails!
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
When your Bliss comes calling, you have a huge responsibility: you must trust the process of Life! You have to let go of whatever you are clinging on to and go with the flow of Life. It may be scary, even unnerving, at times, but this is what makes Life fun. So, think of it as romance, celebrate its raw beauty, that sense of uncertainty…Remember, only an unscripted adventure can offer you this quality of inner peace and joy – pure and immersive!
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
Whether you follow your Bliss or not, your Life will be peppered with crises and challenges at different points in time. Doesn't it make sense, therefore, to follow your Bliss, so that you can at least be happy doing what you love doing, and anchored and non-suffering, when Life's challenges show up?
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