180 Quotes by AVIS Viswanathan about Happiness
- Author AVIS Viswanathan
Religion is a human invention. It is a device with which a few people control the masses, employing fear and divisiveness. Allowing ourselves to be divided on the lines of religion is being outright stupid. Because judging and alienating – hating – another human being causes, above all, your own suffering.
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
Each time you start complaining about your Life, pause to consider that, precisely at this given moment, someone out there is more challenged, more deprived and more unloved than you are. You will then miraculously witness your urge to complain quietly melting away!
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
When you realize how grateful you are for what you have, you will stop complaining about what you don’t have!
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
No experience ever is a waste in Life. In the end, everything always adds up – absolutely everything.
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
Following your Bliss is part inspiration and part application. The inspiration is always spiritual, it silently draws you into its fold. But the application requires human choice and effort. Simply, you have to have the thirst and the discipline to work on quenching that thirst!
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
Ahimsa is as relevant today, particularly to our inner well-being, as it was to Gandhi or during his time. Ahimsa is not about non-violent action. It is about non-violent thought in the first place. A lot of the negativity in us comes from how much anger we are carrying in us – for the people and situations around us. Just stopping to curse errant people on the street is a good starting point to embracing ahimsa. Practice it. It works big time!
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
Train your mind to be in the present…and you have unlocked the secret to being happy despite your circumstances.
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
You always dissolve in what you love doing…reading, cooking, gardening, music, dancing, painting…whatever…because, in that state, you unite with the reason for your creation. You and the source of your creation, the Creator…some call this source God…become one! This is where worldly pressures can’t touch you. This is the state where your Godliness is revealed to you…so, your Bliss is, in fact, your Godliness!
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- Author AVIS Viswanathan
When someone causes you pain, agony or frustration, an immediate response is to react, rebuke, reprimand. Don't do that. Quickly reason whether the person is ill-informed, ignorant, wanton or just plain devious. Every which way, a calm and fitting response will be to forgive that person and wish them well at all times. When you respond this way, watch how relieved and happy you actually feel!!
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