20 Quotes by Abbi Glines about romance
- Author Abbi Glines
This woman is my salvation. She is my anchor in this world. “My angel,” I whisper to her, reminding her who she is to me.
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- Author Abbi Glines
With one kiss, my life had been altered. It would follow a different path now. One where a woman owned my heart.
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- Author Abbi Glines
Really? well, thank you. I was under the impression you wouldn't spit on me if I was on fire
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- Author Abbi Glines
I laughed out loud and shook my head, "You're crazy!"He nodded, "About you.
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- Author Abbi Glines
As the music played over the speakers and the waterfall in the pool filled the silence around us, I knew that, without a doubt, I had just been ruined.
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- Author Abbi Glines
I really wish I could confirm to himthat you do in fact have a penis. A verybig and pretty penis,” Blaire whispered.I winced. “Please, just call it big.Don’t call it pretty. That hurts itsfeelings.
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- Author Abbi Glines
Nuestro capítulo se terminó. Era el capítulo más lindo en mi vida. Sabía que tenía el final feliz mucho antes de que fuera tiempo y ahora necesitaba vivir el resto de la historia sin él. No era la forma en la que se suponía que la vida fuera, pero era mi vida.
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- Author Abbi Glines
Cuando encuentres tu razón para vivir, aferrate a ella. Nunca la dejes ir, incluso si eso significa quemar otros puentes en el camino.
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- Author Abbi Glines
Ella es mi perfección. Tiene mi corazón en sus manos. Cuando sufre me pone de rodillas. No hay manera de explicar lo que siento por ella. Pierdo un pedazo de mi alma cuando la veo sufrir.
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