68 Quotes by Abha Maryada Banerjee about Leadership

"Amongst silly GAMES people play...BLAME is the poorest! JUDGMENT comes a close second..CYNICISM is for losers..‪#‎Games‬ People Play"


"When your sense of respect for others..Your humility despite a chance at arrogance..is MISCONSTRUED, MISUNDERSTOOD AND JUDGED..Put a stop , pull the brakes..Some people do not deserve it!!"


"To follow the heart, you lose your mind..To follow your mind, the heart loses ..Lovingly, let go ..to transcend to a new understanding.."


"‪#‎EXPERIENCE‬ ‪#‎WE‬ ‪#‎CHOOSE‬Experience blocks experience..Experience opens up an experience.."


"Everyone is a social animal and everyone is socially relevant..Everyone is responsible to contribute in whatever way they can..The 'Contribution' needs no one's approval..It just needs to be done"


"When at CROSSROADS..Cross the Road..this way or that!"


"EXPERIENCE empowers or disempowers..All 'experience' however, is SUBJECTIVE!"


"Face it head on and you will crush it..Run away from it and it runs after you..‪#‎Solutions‬ ‪#‎Problems‬"


"Whatever is our 'contribution' to a situation..Is all that we can 'influence' to alter/improve the situation..In our control therefore, is this INFLUENCE!"


"Kids learn from EMULATING their elders, not by being told..We ought to teach our children to get EXCITED about life..And not PAINT their minds with OUR potrayal of the World..This asks us to LIVE that excitement,if we already don't..We will be doing them a HUGE FAVOR!"
