68 Quotes by Abha Maryada Banerjee about Leadership
"God walked out the book to walk into the temple..And I walked back home..For the Book had Rules and Temples had timings..."
"When we search for 'mystery' where there is none..We lose the 'very' moment and it's beauty..! Simplicity is the most mysterious these days..."
"One Man's Hero, Another Man's Villain..Sometimes in the same Man.."
"IDEALISM is not passé..It can cause the unprecedented...We need more IDEALISTS, more DREAMERS, more DOERSOne person to 'walk the other way' is enough to cause a storm"
"When you move forward in life or move on with life..Moving on from people is the most difficult and painful..But probably the most 'necessary'..One may have to leave behind many who's, what's, when's, where's and why's..Imperative to maintaining forward momentum in life.."
"Judgment is a fickle minds product...A mind that doesn't have the courage to see beyond what it knows..Waste of Mind, Time and all else..of others around them.."
"So much talk,talk,more talk and so little walk...What a damper!Talk comes cheap,walk needs courage...Understanding something so simple needs courage too..Simplicity is sophisticated..sophistication needs courage too...Sophistication is within...Living without needs courage too..."
"All situations have FINE LINE's between the right and not so right..THAT is the MOMENT when one must stop to look which way to go.. These determine both the DIRECTION of life & the MAGICAL MOMENTS!"
"The lift is about SPEED and COMFORT, but the stairs are about CERTAINTY! The lift may go wrong but stairs seldom do, you can always take the stairs. They are BOUND to take you UP and to the END as long as you continue to climb!"
"For once, let us practise intolerance......against violence!!"