18 Quotes by Abhijit Naskar about Populism
"The human brain has not evolved to perceive reality, it has evolved to create an illusion of reality. That's why an exciting lie gains more attention than a boring truth."
"The first principle of social development is, authority doesn't solve a problem, expertise guided by character does."
"Dumbbells believe celebrities as the measure of civilization, so let me put it straight, the measure of civilization is character and character alone."
"Fame is the measure of neither character nor wisdom."
"Resources of the society must be distributed among the people according to need, yet in today's so-called democracy resources are distributed according to greed, and the situation will only worsen with time till we stop delegating the affairs of our life to random individuals of charm and popularity."
"Any system that facilitates allegiance to pedigree or popularity is a most disgusting stain upon the honor of a civilized society."
"Change - I beg you - change for your children - for their health, sanity and prosperity. Stop buying every single new nonessential technology - stop wasting electricity - stop wasting fuel on carefree long drives - stop voting candidates impressed by their charm."
"There is a difference between an uprising against oppression and mob rule."
"We must treat the practice of politics the same way we treat the practice of medicine. Unskilled politicians have no more place in politics than unskilled doctors have in medicine. And to make sure that only skilled individuals are permitted by law to run for office, we must include training and licensing into our current democratic paradigm. Otherwise democracy will remain a rule of the halfwits, by the halfwits, for the halfwits till kingdom come."
"The Voting SonnetWhy should you vote you ask,Since it changes nothing!And nothing will change,By acting the indifferent weakling.If you want things to change,Support character not charisma.Trash all your populist snobbery,And it'll abolish all political miasma.Politics is manipulation,But it is so due to your gullibility.Seek out the leader with backbone,Only then there'll be hope for humanity.But if you find not a leader of character,Arise and be the one you seek here and there."