5 Quotes by Abhijit Naskar about poem
- Author Abhijit Naskar
Sonnet of UnityI am vicdan,I am saadet.My life isn't mine,It's your emanet.Soy sanity,Soy humanidad.Life lies in service,Selfishness kills vitalidad.Ich bin inclusion,Ich bin indivisible.Mein kampf is unity,Human and hate are incompatible.Life divided brings degradation.Growth comes through expansion.(vicdan=conscience, saadet=joy, emanet=keepsake, soy=I am, humanidad=humanity, vitalidad=vitality, Ich bin=I am, mein kampf=my struggle)
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
The Personal SonnetIf you want to be heard,You must learn to listen.If you want to be trusted,You must keep trustin'.If you want to grow,You must first evolve.If you want to be happy,Let yourself dissolve.If you want to smile,You must learn to give.If you want to lead,Help others to live.Law of the jungle is self-preservation.Law of society is collective ascension.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
My Compatriots (The Sonnet)Any compatriot of mine,Better have a grasp of prejudice.Arrogance sickens my soul,My heart revolts at the snobbish.Doubts can be healthy,But only if driven by curiosity.When driven by contempt,They only facilitate animosity.You don't have to agree,With the whole of my notion.But don't turn bitter my friend,For it is a trap of degradation.Logic may fail sometimes as well as sentiments.Never you lose o patriot your indivisible humanness.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Sonnet of PromiseI made a promise with my life,Never to leave your side.How can I maroon you my friend,When you and I are one light.Some call me muy loco,Cause I stand for reason and inclusion.A world where division is sanity,Is but a gutter of superstition.All things have meaning,When we have people next to us.Without their presence to fill our life,Existence is but a futile fuss.Breathing alone is like choking to death.A breath shared is a breath well lived.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
A sonnet's glee may maketh the mind a little free from the clouds that hover above on a sickness spree.
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