6 Quotes by Abhijit Naskar about prophets

"If I had been born in the medieval times, my subjective union with God and the Universe would have evoked the rise of another Gnostic religion. But, by the grace of Mother Nature, I am born in an era of Science and Reasoning. Hence, I have dissected my own experience of Absolute Divinity as well as the experiences of all the religious giants in my works, in order to discover the physical truth underneath these apparently supernatural experiences."


"The religion I am talking about here is plain everyday humanism. That’s exactly what the person named Jesus attempted to spread, but due to innate psychological reasons, his pupils ended up constructing yet another orthodox circle with its own distinct beliefs, ideals and fantasies."


"On the outside, my fame may appear to you as glorious and gala, but in reality, I am a simple candle burning in darkness and solitude, while giving light to the whole world."


"It is in the nature of the human mind to give in, and hold on, to the source of solace with all the might it can muster. Life is hard and any figure that tends to ease the subjective perception of that hardship, attains a high pedestal of utmost reverence in the realm of the individual mind. It all takes place at a molecular level in the human brain with the purpose of self-preservation."


"God, deities and prophets thrive on obscurity, and it does not necessarily have to be material obscurity, often it is intellectual, as well as spiritual obscurity. When humanity is bold, intellectual, spiritual and conscientious enough, it will become its own strength - it will become its own solace - it will become its own savior."
