50 Quotes by Abhijit Naskar about sonnet
- Author Abhijit Naskar
The Golden SonnetWhere is el dorado?It is not a city but a person.Where is the kingdom of heaven?It is not a place but compassion.Where can we find joy?Not the market but in acts of goodness.Where can we find health?Not in gadgets but in simpleness.Where can we find strength?Not in the bank but in character.How can we make progress?Not with luxury but by lifting the other.Lesser the needs, better the life.Gentler the soul, lighter the strife.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Child of Earth (The Sonnet)Walk, walk, walk ahead,O brave child of earth.Let no fear shackle your feet,Selflessness paves all path.Meditate on unity,Dedicate to inclusion.Educate your soul,Be free from self-absorption.Forget gender, religion and ideology,Abolish all chains of tribalism.Place people at your heart's altar,One dream, one mission – universalism.Shallow and separated we can stay no more.We must break ourselves to let light outpour.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Unselfish SonnetUnself your soul,And lo the joy pours.Wipe out the I,And the world is yours.The more selfish you are,The more anxious you'll be.One who's lost in service,Is the epitome of humanity.In a world of self-obsession,Be the spark most selfless.Burn yourself to ashes,Let all bathe in your kindness.To give is to live o human.To die for others is salvation.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Adopt A Neighborhood (The Sonnet)Adopt a neighborhood,Make their problems your own.This is the only road to life,Society’s hope is you alone.Charity, security and world peace,All these are cosmetic theory.When you learn to live as human,You'll see their actual foolery.When our voices combine,All noise turns melody of heavens.Joy is amplified a hundred times,We lose sense of all our burdens.Diversity and progress will come alright,Once you perceive beyond your selfish sight.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Sonnet of UnityI am vicdan,I am saadet.My life isn't mine,It's your emanet.Soy sanity,Soy humanidad.Life lies in service,Selfishness kills vitalidad.Ich bin inclusion,Ich bin indivisible.Mein kampf is unity,Human and hate are incompatible.Life divided brings degradation.Growth comes through expansion.(vicdan=conscience, saadet=joy, emanet=keepsake, soy=I am, humanidad=humanity, vitalidad=vitality, Ich bin=I am, mein kampf=my struggle)
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
The Personal SonnetIf you want to be heard,You must learn to listen.If you want to be trusted,You must keep trustin'.If you want to grow,You must first evolve.If you want to be happy,Let yourself dissolve.If you want to smile,You must learn to give.If you want to lead,Help others to live.Law of the jungle is self-preservation.Law of society is collective ascension.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Lift Others (The Sonnet)If you want to lift your spirit,Lift others.If you want to help yourself,Help others.If you want to find happiness,Forget about happiness.If you want to discover joy,Just give without selfishness.Be crazy, loco and bonkers,For the welfare of others.The only kingdom of heaven,Is in cheering someone who suffers.Better than self-help is unself-help,For the rise of people is rise of the self.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Dear Vatican (The Sonnet)You took a man,And turned him savior,You took his love,And vilified her honor.You cooked up stories,And added some magic,Put in a few guilt traps,Everything was copasetic.You sanctioned four books,Buried the rest for blasphemy,For you wanted no one to know,JC was a mortal practicing humanity.You wanna know what is holiness?Burn your bible and rush to the helpless.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Leap Beyond Libido (The Sonnet)Brotherhood won't do,Nor will sisterhood.What the world really needs,Is a sense of humanhood.So long as gender lingers,In the behavior of human.We'll not have a society,Free from sexualization.Genitalia have no role in society,Other than in bed.When you leap beyond libido,Even a naked body seems sacred.The body has evolved to crave for release,But a well-built character is hard to please.
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