59 Quotes by Abhijit Naskar about Biases

"The survival of an animal is predicated on how swiftly it can act on its primitive biases, in other words instincts, whereas the integrity of the fabric of human society is predicated on how conscientiously you can restrain your biases."


"Reason is what helps us eliminate our prejudice, but it's love that makes us want to eliminate our prejudice."


"Stagnated water breeds disease, when in motion it breathes life. Stagnated mind breeds segregation, when in motion it breaks divide."


"You can hardly realize the essence of my ideas, if you try to comprehend them in terms of what your society has taught you. To understand me, you must first be free, and start off in an investigative journey with me, like a naïve newborn with no preconceived idea about anything whatsoever."
