23 Quotes by Abhijit Naskar about nonviolence
"Non-violent resistance to evil is a quintessential element of the character of a real human being. If someone does wrong to me, I may be physically capable of breaking his jaw with one blow of my fist, but such violent reciprocation does not define the strength of my character as a real human being. If I succeed in resisting my limbic urge to do harm in return, then only can I be hailed as human being of real character."
"The whole world will fall short for my army of unarmed humanitarians."
"Stand unbending against inhumanity, without weapons, without violence, only then will your revolution produce a better society."
"Ever Onward to Equality (The Sonnet)Someone once said,Ever onward to victory.I say to you today,Ever onward to equality.Though the objective is the same,In path lies the distinction.I'll say it plainly, to live is to grow,Including the means of revolution.Liberty is fundamental in life,But not by harming the innocent.Revolution of arms is revolution no more,What's needed is revolution in conscience.So I say, let us sacrifice all for society.Let us rise as soldiers of universal amity."
"We won't let your children come to harm, nor will we strike you back in vengeance. But when you vilify the sanctity of human life, rest assured we'll restrain you without violence."
"Fighting fire with fire will burn the whole world to ashes."
"I need no gun to defend the society."
"Restrain the oppressor, don't harm them."
"Turning the other cheek to an oppressor will leave you and your loved ones without a head, so foster peace in mind, but at the same time foster the courage to stand up to oppression."
"Now on, the revolution and all the future revolutions must continue without resorting to violence. I am not talking about simply nonviolence, I am talking about having an actual and utter repulsiveness towards violence. This is the fundamental requirement of a civilized revolution."