37 Quotes by Abhijit Naskar about Helping
"There's no charity, there's only humanity."
"In the hearts of the helpless stand unbending as the flag of courage."
"No matter how many deadly weapons come your way, stand on guard as a fierce and fervent soldier protecting the meek and the innocent."
"If you can help even one person become self-reliant, it's the greatest achievement of social reform."
"To hell with the self and for others be the help."
"Be annihilated in love for the society and no gun, no grief, no grudge will remain in the world."
"God is not up there - God is right here - in you, in me, in each one of us."
"The real festival is the moment when we wipe the tears off from the faces living in despair."
"Once you start to strive for people's welfare, paying no heed to your own aching falls, the desolate faces of the forgotten alleys will start to glow with bliss."
"What's the point of having blood in your veins, if it doesn't boil at the sight of injustice - what's the point of having electricity in your nerves if it doesn't spark at the sight of misery!"