179 Quotes by Abhijit Naskar about sacrifice
"Be afraid, be extreme and be absurd - be afraid of losing touch - be extreme in accepting others - and be absurd in serving society."
"It's my America, and its problems are mine."
"Civilization is built by sleepless lovers, not careless sleepers."
"The struggle isn't over till the last drop of tear is wiped out."
"Those who mock me today, their children will thank me tomorrow."
"Corazón mine, don't you dare beat for me! Beat for those who have lost all melody."
"Average people measure themselves by the amount of pleasure they can buy for themselves, reformers measure themselves by the amount of pain they can bear for others."
"There is no existence except in service. There is no rest except in sacrificial restlessness."
"I have been mocked and ridiculed my whole life, but know this, those who mock me today, their children will thank me tomorrow."
"No Rest (The Sonnet)There is no rest,Till the last drop of tear is wiped out.There is no leisure,Till the voiceless can speak aloud.There is no relaxing,Till the last empty stomach is fed.There is no sleep,Till all droopy spines are made straight.There is no joy,Till the last grey life is colored.There is no comfort,Till the last anxious soul is empowered.The struggle isn't over till the fallen rise.Security later, first let us be civilized."