50 Quotes by Abhijit Naskar about sonnet
- Author Abhijit Naskar
Synthetic Civilization (The Sonnet)The watchwords of civilization,Are reason and inclusion.Yet we live by the golden rules,Of rigidity and exclusion.We dress up in fancy clothes,To feel powerful and important.Beneath the lies of civilization,Beats a heart most impotent.We boast proudly about equality,Unaware of our biases most inane.We admire the rights of our own,Rights of others are business of the UN.Enough of this make belief ascension.It’s time to humanize our synthetic civilization.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
The Voting SonnetWhy should you vote you ask,Since it changes nothing!And nothing will change,By acting the indifferent weakling.If you want things to change,Support character not charisma.Trash all your populist snobbery,And it'll abolish all political miasma.Politics is manipulation,But it is so due to your gullibility.Seek out the leader with backbone,Only then there'll be hope for humanity.But if you find not a leader of character,Arise and be the one you seek here and there.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
The Temper SonnetWhere you need to be calm,You burst out in rage.Where you need to be on fire,You walk in silence and not engage.Where you need to listen,You scream like a loudspeaker.Where you need to speak out,Somehow your words disappear.Where it requires to be humble,Pride takes over your humility.Where your blood needs to boil,Your veins seem to run empty.The right use of temper is an act of revolution.Put it to good use and you'll nourish civilization.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
My Compatriots (The Sonnet)Any compatriot of mine,Better have a grasp of prejudice.Arrogance sickens my soul,My heart revolts at the snobbish.Doubts can be healthy,But only if driven by curiosity.When driven by contempt,They only facilitate animosity.You don't have to agree,With the whole of my notion.But don't turn bitter my friend,For it is a trap of degradation.Logic may fail sometimes as well as sentiments.Never you lose o patriot your indivisible humanness.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
I Expand, Therefore I Am (The Sonnet)I expand, therefore I am,Thought is no measure of sapiens.Even a dog can think what's best for it,Such selfishness is no existence.Expansion makes the human,Inclusion strengthens life.Diversity beautifies society,There is no room for divide.Sanity lies in unselfishness,Selfishness is inhumanity.When all world becomes one family,That my friend is true community.Let us be vast and breathe in the world.Let us show all, the blue dot is no less bold.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
When the eyes are teary and lips are dreary, never consider sitting still.Obliterate loyalty to atrocities of the norm waking up to liberationville.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Sonnet of PromiseI made a promise with my life,Never to leave your side.How can I maroon you my friend,When you and I are one light.Some call me muy loco,Cause I stand for reason and inclusion.A world where division is sanity,Is but a gutter of superstition.All things have meaning,When we have people next to us.Without their presence to fill our life,Existence is but a futile fuss.Breathing alone is like choking to death.A breath shared is a breath well lived.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
A sonnet's glee may maketh the mind a little free from the clouds that hover above on a sickness spree.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Sonnet of FestivalsChristmas isn't about the decorations,It's about compassion.Hanukkah isn't about the sufganiyot,It's about amalgamation.Ramadan isn't about the feast,It's about affection.Diwali isn't about the lights,It's about ascension.Our world is filled with festivals,But what do they really mean?Celebrating them with cultural exclusivity,Makes us not human but savage fiend.Every festival belongs to all of humanity,For happiness has no religious identity.
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