27 Quotes by Abhijit Naskar about warmth

"One ounce of love is more powerful than a hundred pounds of intellect."


"We need to practice reason so that we can make way for warmth and we need to practice warmth so that we can make way for reason. Reason and warmth must work as one force of humanity, not as separate constructs of the self-obsessed psyche."


"We didn't come all this way to replace stone with concrete – we must have heart, we must have dreams, we must have a genuine, invincible desire for universality - otherwise we’ll end up with concrete buildings bearing concrete beings."


"Warmth without reason leads to regress, reason without warmth leads to lifelessness."


"World War 3 has already begun, but unlike the previous times, it is not a war amongst nations, rather it's a war within nations between the forces of inclusion and reason, and the forces of separatism and superstition."
