59 Quotes by Abhijit Naskar about Biases

"Don't think of my indifference to criticisms as weakness. I keep silent most of the times, because my response is too human to be wasted on wild animals."


"Synthetic Civilization (The Sonnet)The watchwords of civilization,Are reason and inclusion.Yet we live by the golden rules,Of rigidity and exclusion.We dress up in fancy clothes,To feel powerful and important.Beneath the lies of civilization,Beats a heart most impotent.We boast proudly about equality,Unaware of our biases most inane.We admire the rights of our own,Rights of others are business of the UN.Enough of this make belief ascension.It’s time to humanize our synthetic civilization."


"Ideologies get corrupt in time, because humans following those ideologies cannot help but foster an implicit, i.e. subconscious hatred towards other humans following different ideologies."


"Your loyalty to one ideology inadvertently conditions you to favor humans from the same ideology over the humans from different ideologies. So, ideologies can never in a million years bring progress. We are what we are, that is humans. And we have to act as such without identifying ourselves with some manmade label to look good and pompous"


"If your part of the world is undeveloped, then take actions to make it develop, not in the name of nationality or religiosity, but in the name of equality. If your gender is under-privileged or discriminated, then take actions to restore gender equality in the minds of your people, not in the name of feminism or other gender based ideologies, but in the name of egalitarianism. Where we put our focus, determines a lot about the subtle subconscious elements of our mind in the long run."


"Every single human being is neurologically predisposed to be biased in various walks of life. It is biologically impossible to be absolutely free from all biases, nevertheless, the more a person rigorously trains the self to be rational and conscientious, the more that self becomes strong enough to keep the biases in check, never to let them run rampant over the psyche."


"It is indeed very grand to conquer the external nature, but grander still is to conquer our internal nature."


"A huge portion of the human society runs on autopilot, under the authority of biases. That's why, the world is infested with so many conflicts. Once the humans get hold of their biases instead of letting their biases get hold of them, all conflicts would vanish into thin air."
