49 Quotes by Abhijit Naskar about Biology
"No human, no matter how ancient, or how popular, can be above the laws of Nature."
"All species on earth are related to one another like cousins and distant kin in a vast family tree of life."
"Evolution is a relentless process, it never stops."
"What is life - life is not merely the functional expression of protoplasmic substance - it is the functional expression of protoplasmic substance that holds unimaginable potential for growth and progress."
"When Mother Nature speaks, even the Gods hold silence."
"Neither humans nor the Gods that they have created are superior to old Mother Nature."
"It takes not a few centuries, or even millenniums, but millions of years for a subtle evolutionary change to become noticeable."
"Biology without selfishness, is nothing but fiction."
"Homosexuality is neither a sin, nor an anomaly or a disease. It is an evolutionary variation."
"The complex organic device that creates and thereafter drives consciousness, is the human brain. Consciousness evolved hand in hand with the evolution of the human brain throughout a time span of six million years."