59 Quotes by Abhijit Naskar about Biases

"There is not much difference between a person drunk on alcohol and a person drunk on biases. Both do things, that they wouldn't do, had they not been under the influence."


"We need to practice reason so that we can make way for warmth and we need to practice warmth so that we can make way for reason. Reason and warmth must work as one force of humanity, not as separate constructs of the self-obsessed psyche."


"In the society of humans, what is normal and what is not, is defined by not the reality or the truth whatsoever. It is defined by the society's innate knacks and beliefs."


"A human mind that has a hold over its prejudices is like the fabled philosopher's stone, everything it touches turns to gold, whereas a savage mind which is run by its prejudices is like an infectious disease, wherever it goes it causes death and destruction."


"The purpose of reason is not to turn this world cold, but to rid it of biases - of prejudice."
