179 Quotes by Abhijit Naskar about sacrifice

"In a civilized society there is nothing great about getting laid, animals do that all the time, but laying down oneself for the benefit of others, that's greatness - and more importantly, that's humanity."


"Look at the sun - after all this time, it still doesn't tell us that we owe it all the light in our life - it just keeps giving - that my friend, is love - absolutely uncorrupted, absolutely unconditional, absolutely pure - a love that is capable of lighting up the entire sky."


"What does the river, the trees, the sun care about the concept of God - their sole purpose is to sustain life on earth - and so is mine. Christ made his sacrifice for his love for society, I have made my sacrifice for my love for society, and I believe strongly more than anything else, that this tradition of sacrifice will continue through many more Christs and Naskars, so long as there is human suffering on earth."


"Often pastors as well as my fellow scientists ask me - are you a believer or non-believer - I smile and reply, all I care about is to abolish the barriers that people have raised among themselves. I work to create living Christs in every field of society to take care of every corner of the world."


"The integrity of the society is predicated on the sacrifice of a handful of lionhearts and on the everyday accountability of the rest of the humans."


"The sun doesn't run out of light by giving it to the world for free, for the very purpose of the sun's existence is to give light. A true human is no less than a living sun in the society, whose very purpose in life is to give light."
