89 Quotes by Abhishek Shukla about hope
- Author Abhishek Shukla
If someone talks bad about us, we feel bad. If someone talks good about us we feel good. The question is ,Have we given our remote to others for the way we feel?Live your life in your way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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- Author Abhishek Shukla
Life is about the moments you create,that you can keep with you forever.After everything is over,That is what we have or what we are left with.
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- Author Abhishek Shukla
A person with good heart is always happy. However its a myth because most of the time his heart is full of wounds as it except only good thing from others still he love the people who treat it right & pray for the ones who don't
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- Author Abhishek Shukla
Love is what makes two people sit in the middle of a bench when there is plenty of room at both ends. Love means nothing in tennis,But it's everything in life
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- Author Abhishek Shukla
Life is a university, you will keep learning new things all the time. The tombstone will be your degree.Make sure it's worth a fortune for those who admire you.
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- Author Abhishek Shukla
Every interaction is an opportunity to learn, Only if we are interested in improving rather than proving.
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- Author Abhishek Shukla
For a happy life,it's best we should ignore &overlook things,people,incidents,affairs & matters.It is not necessary that we show a reaction to everything. Step back & ask yourself if the matter is really worth responding to.
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- Author Abhishek Shukla
A lot of pain that we are dealing with are really only THOUGHTS.
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- Author Abhishek Shukla
If we try to see something positive in everything we do, life won't necessarily become easier but it becomes more valuable.
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