4 Quotes by Akiroq Brost about intent

  • Author Akiroq Brost
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    You can predict only one outcome with certainty: Everything will change. Every other preconception you may have about what could or will happen will just serve to color your experience. Follow intent with action. Do your best. Allow yourself to be. Go with the flow. Most importantly: Allow yourself to enjoy the journey.

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  • Author Akiroq Brost
  • Quote

    We can't measure intent by outcome. Only each individual knows their true intent, and if they don't or can't communicate that, we may in some cases never know what their intent was. Being more patient, kind, forgiving gives everyone a bit more grace. Even in the case of ill-intent, we still want to rise above that behavior by not acting, reacting, in the same manner as the person who we were hurt by.

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