8 Quotes by Akiroq Brost about potential

  • Author Akiroq Brost
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    Sometimes, you will act because you realize you must. Other times, you will face a choice. The choice is always the same: Attempt to stay where you are or move forward. But, the choice ‘to stay where you are’ never truly exists. Everything changes. Change is inevitable. The only difference is whether you make the decision of what you will do next, or whether life or circumstances will make that decision for you. Either way, the decision will always be made.

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  • Author Akiroq Brost
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    The more adaptable to change you become, the more you practice acting with fear and without courage, the less those will be a distraction to you. Instead of being clouded by fear, worry, and stress, you will be able to see beyond. You will see new opportunities, new potential, both in the moment and in yourself. You will no longer stand in your own way. You will no longer be allowing fear to confine your potential.

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  • Author Akiroq Brost
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    You are not your mind, because you can change your mind and still be you. Be careful what you attach your identity to. Don't limit yourself by putting yourself in a box. Keep the potential open for the greatest opportunity.

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