6 Quotes by Alice Walker about race

  • Author Alice Walker
  • Quote

    She got a long pointed nose and big fleshy mouth. Lips look like black plum. Eyes big, glossy. Feverish. And mean. Like, sick as she is, if a snake cross her path, she kill it

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  • Author Alice Walker
  • Quote

    Now we are beginning to askthe crucial question.If it is natural to be blackand red or brown or yellowand if it is beautiful to resistoppressionand if it is gorgeous to be of colorand walking around free,then where does the problemlie?Who are these peoplethat kill our children in the night?

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  • Author Alice Walker
  • Quote

    Ain't no way to read the bible and not think God white, she say. Then she sigh. When I found out I thought God was white, and a man, I lost interest. You mad cause he don't seem to listen to your prayers. Humph! Do the mayor listen to anything colored say? Ask Sofia, she say. But I don't have to ast Sofia. I know white people never listen to colored, period. If they do, they only listen long enough to tell you what to do.

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