5 Quotes by Alija Izetbegović about art
- Author Alija Izetbegović
Art is possible only if man is different from nature, if man is a stranger in it--that is, if he is a personality. All art is a continuous story of man's foreignness in nature.
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- Author Alija Izetbegović
Raphael created his paintings not with his hands but with his spirit. Beethoven wrote his best compositions when he was already deaf.
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- Author Alija Izetbegović
There is an order to an engine and an order to a melody. These two orders cannot, even in the final analysis, be reduced to a common source... The existence of another world (another order) in addition to the natural one is the basic premise of every religion and art.
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- Author Alija Izetbegović
Uostalom, smisao sve umjetnosti, filozofije, religije upravo je to skretanje čovjekove pažnje na zagonetke, na tajne, na pitanja; to je buđenje naše svijesti, često možda ka nekom znanju i poznavanju, nego pretvaranju našeg neznanja kojeg nismo svjesni u neznanje kojeg smo svjesni.
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- Author Alija Izetbegović
Science attempts to figure out laws and then uses it later. While the work of art reflects the cosmic order without asking for an explanation
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