29 Quotes by Angie karan about Love

  • Author Angie karan
  • Quote

    Forgiveness is a form of LOVE. The ability to forgive is not achieved with soaring thoughts or intentions alone. It comes about by engaging several tools over a matter of weeks that release your body, mind, and soul, from the trapped wounding energy that has caused you to feel so much pain and then be able to replace it with new healing energy instead.

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  • Author Angie karan
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    L O V E is Feeling Another S o u l. It is L O V E that doesn't need words. It is simply hearing another even in silence and communicating in an unheard invisible language. An invisible thread connecting dots of vibes, energy, and happy feelings.

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  • Author Angie karan
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    You know you really love someone when you do not hate them for breaking your heart.True and unconditional love is a song that never ends, never goes away completely. It has its commas, but never a period. You will still always care. And a piece of your heart is forever dedicated to someone you truly loved.

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