6 Quotes by Anne Tyler about love

"I'm beginning to think that maybe it's not just how much you love someone. Maybe what matters is who you are when you're with them."


"It is very difficult to live among people you love and hold back from offering them advice."


"He was perfect, was how she'd put it to herself. And then that clear-eyed, calm-faced boy would shine forth from Red's sags and wrinkles, from his crumpled eyelids and hollowed cheeks and the two deep crevices bracketing his mouth and just his general obtuseness, his stubbornness, his infuriating belief that simple cold logic could solve all life's problems, and she would feel unspeakably lucky to have ended up with him."


"The very thing that attracts you to someone can end up putting you off."


"He honestly believed, for an instant, that what he'd heard was music-a tune piped, a burble of notes, a little scrap of melody floating by on wind and breaking his heart."


"It is not how much you love someone, but who you are when you are with him."
