8 Quotes by Art Rios about awareness
- Author Art Rios
Con calma y piensa, take your time and think, should be an adage that you apply in your entire life.
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- Author Art Rios
Gratitude is the foundation for all human virtues. Gratitude is the cornerstone of a person’s character. Gratitude begets exceptionalism. Again, don’t forget to show others appreciation. No matter their station in life, thank them for any service or kindness they may show you.
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- Author Art Rios
People who say that they’re too busy to have lunch have a misguided sense of their importance. Anyone can take a lunch break. Even if it’s a half-hour. Step away, have a meal, and relax. First, not doing it is counterproductive. To have your mind working nonstop for eight hours is not healthy. Even race cars take breaks. They can’t go full rev for eight hours, they need pit stops. Your mind and body are more complex than a race car, so you need pit stops also.
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- Author Art Rios
I know that when I near my end, I will not reminisce about my dull days. Instead, I’ll relive my days of debauchery, my “moveable feasts,” to coin Hemingway. But it’s not over yet. I’ll be making memories until I die. And that is my advice to you. Make extraordinary memories. Be extra, my friend. Splurge on extra nice things.
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- Author Art Rios
I’m even a proponent of listening when you’re in prayer. Effective prayer is when you pray, you say what you want to say to God, then you sit in silence and wait for God to answer. If you allow your mind to be quiet enough, and you’re in a place that’s quiet and peaceful enough, you will hear God’s reply.
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- Author Art Rios
We often forget to thank ourselves for what we have accomplished. Your dedication and hard work provide for you and your loved ones. So thank yourself—pat yourself on the back. After all, it’s your hard work that allows you to live an exciting and easier life. And it’s your daily practice of gratitude that makes your life exceptional.
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- Author Art Rios
Be thankful for what you have, and don’t worry about what you want. Be thankful for what you have today. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Nothing makes life easier than being content with what you have. And being grateful forges the way to contentedness. They go hand in hand.
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- Author Art Rios
It’s fine to go offline. You won’t lose your place in the world. And once you practice it and get good at it, I predict you’ll move a step farther from thinking, “It’s fine,” to realizing, “It’s divine!” The more you log off, the more you’ll realize how fabulously freeing it truly is.
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