29 Quotes by Asa Don Brown about Addict
"The bleak optimism has skewed the overall views of our societal perspectives on substance abuse."
"No one wants to be entrapped by his or her addictive habit..."
"It is essential that children who are directly or indirectly affected by domestic violence receive psychological care."
"We are a society of excuses, shame and blame; we avoid accountability and often project our responsibility when involving domestic violence."
"The lack of culpability of the perpetrator and his or her transference of blame onto alcohol or other substances only perpetuates the violent behaviors."
"May you begin living beyond."
"...Studies have found that children who witness abuse are more likely to accept relationships that are abusive."
"Be your best proponent, ally, and advocate."
"It is seldom that domestic violence is an isolated episode; rather it is comprised of a number of episodes over an extended period of time."