11 Quotes by Ash Gabrieli about life

  • Author Ash Gabrieli
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    I just don't get it. How does it happen, that good people let worthless ones into their lives? Why can't we just leave those people who are nothing but trash? We are not a recycling company for God's sake. I wish we had “human quality” scanners on our eyes set by default. Scanners which would reflect all the essence of people standing in front of us. Can you imagine how much easier our lives would be?

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  • Author Ash Gabrieli
  • Quote

    I wish we had “human quality” scanners on our eyes set by default. Can you imagine how easier our lives would be?

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  • Author Ash Gabrieli
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    Please, don't follow the trend of “playing it safe.” Trust people and love hard. Yes, there can be people who may break your heart. It’s okay. Let it happen! At least that feeling also makes us feel alive, be alive.

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  • Author Ash Gabrieli
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    I can’t stand this information warfare and agitation anymore. It makes me anxious. Makes me think if I can’t stand it, then what can I say to those people who are now in the very center of these events? People who are going through hell and are fighting for their lives? Fighting for peace. Killing to live. Freaking ironic.

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  • Author Ash Gabrieli
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    We have lost the feeling of compassion for all the things that are happening on earth. There has been so much crap going on, so much pain, that somehow, we learned to ignore it. Most of us stopped noticing, deeply feeling, reacting and by the end of the day we got used to everything, even to worse outcomes.

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