8 Quotes by Ashley Asti about yoga

  • Author Ashley Asti
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    If you're a yoga teacher, I'm certain that your students will show up not for what your poses, your body, your practice looks like, not because you are the most innovative or brilliant or beautiful (though, I assure you, you are innovative, brilliant, and beautiful), but because you’re the only one who can teach like you, whose journey has led you exactly to this moment. And, I assure you, whatever you’ve got and whatever got you here—embrace it.We need your message.

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  • Author Ashley Asti
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    Because we are co-creators, because we feel each other’s energy, because we are linked—what matters most when you teach is not the flawlessness of your delivery. Not your poise or whether you remembered every line you planned to say or every pose in your yoga sequence. No, it’s not your perfection, it’s your kindness.

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  • Author Ashley Asti
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    We are nature.Our bodies carry its swimming waters.We are made of the soiland eat the plants that grow from it.From dust to dustwe come and go.Each time I bring my hands to my heart in prayer,flowing my body with my breath,it is devotional, a dance with the earthand of the earth. I dance with every tree,sway with the wind,bloom with every flowerin my being.My breath,Mother Earth,is yours.—the whole planet is in me

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  • Author Ashley Asti
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    I began yogato move my bodybut I didn’t knowthat was only the hook. On the mat, I have used my body not onlyto discover new shapes and poses,but I have found thatin the posesI have discovered me.It is my eyes that now see new shapes—perspective clear and shifted.And my soul that has risen up and called to me. The truth of who I amis unfolding.I have stepped throughthe back door of my heart,to the place that meets my soul.I rest in my true nature.—yoga changes everything

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  • Author Ashley Asti
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    The way I touchearth and heaven at once,stretching from soil to sky.The way the mat holds my feetand my feet hold me. The way it seems so simple,something to be brushed off as ‘too easy,’and the way it is actuallyfoundational.The way I knowthat when I am in it,I am it—unshakeable no matter whatwinds blow or rains pour down.It is as if I remain,eternal,undaunted,majestic.—mountain pose

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