7 Quotes by Ava Dellaira about life

  • Author Ava Dellaira
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    I know I wrote letters to people with no address on this earth, I know that you are dead. But I hear you. I hear all of you. We were here. Our lives matter.

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  • Author Ava Dellaira
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    I have found that sometimes, moments get stuck in your body. They are there, lodged under your skin like hard seed-stones of wonder or sadness or fear, everything else growing up around them. And if you turn a certain way, if you fall, one of them could get free. It might dissolve in your blood, or it might spring up a whole tree. Sometimes, once one of them gets out, they all start to go.

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  • Author Ava Dellaira
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    The story seemed to start such a long time ago. It didn't fit into my brain, even. It started when i figured out how things could get broken (...) It started when knowing was sadder than all of the things themselfs.

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