9 Quotes by Avina Celeste about brave

  • Author Avina Celeste
  • Quote

    Your emotions mirror the emotions of those around you. Surround yourself with hateful people and you will find yourself hateful. Surround yourself with nervous people and you too will be nervous. If you surround yourself with loving people you will be a loving person too. Our environment affects us all far more than we admit but, fortunately, we can change our environment to one that pleases us. Be brave enough to live with love, surrounded by love.

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  • Author Avina Celeste
  • Quote

    Your limits may appear as brick walls blocking the path to your dreams but if you have the courage to push your limits you will find that they are delicate curtains that move aside at a single touch. Limitations are but false images created in fear and defeated through bravery. Be brave.

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