43 Quotes by Bangambiki Habyarimana about books
"Words disappear in the air, but writing remains. If you want something to be remembered about you, write it down"
"We write, not because we claim to know more than others, but perhaps because we want to know more than others. Writers are explorers"
"People speak even after their death. Only do speak those who have recorded their speech in writing before they die, the rest go silent forever"
"You say you have nothing to write about? How do you find things to talk about? You can write about those things you like to talk about, that's your area of expertise"
". If you want to write, just write anything that comes into your mind. You will be surprised at how you can force inspiration to stand on your side."
"I am what I have ever read"
"Writing is sharing. You share what you have. Great writers have more to share"
"Writing is magic happening on paper"
"If you are writing fiction, think like a god. Release all the power of your imagination; create worlds and destroy them at your will, create as many miracles as your story needs"
"Self-censorship is more efficient than any police. You write and say not what you really think, but what you believe is acceptable. By that process we lose those revolutionary ideas that could change society for the better"