17 Quotes by Bill Gates about Years

  • Author Bill Gates
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    You always overestimate what you can get done in a year and underestimate what you can get done in 10 years.

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  • Author Bill Gates
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    So on the demand side [for energy], there have been a variety of policies that globally have been way over $50 billion a year of tax credits, raising the price of electricity through things like renewable portfolio standards, so the total amount of money that's gone into sending a price signal to push up demand versus what would happen without it has been gigantic.

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  • Author Bill Gates
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    In three years, every product my company makes will be obsolete. The only question is whether we will make them obsolete or somebody else will.

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  • Author Bill Gates
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    Over 80% of the poor are people who have small plots of land and grow their own food and they don't grow enough to sell much into the marketplace. So they will be hit hard by the worst in climate. They really get hit hard starting in the 20-year time frame and thereafter.

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  • Author Bill Gates
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    That's the part where the governments have a unique role, and then when it progresses well enough, then existing companies or new startup companies should take it. In the $3 trillion a year energy market, the rewards will be quite fantastic.

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  • Author Bill Gates
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    Training the workforce of tomorrow with today's high schools is like trying to teach kids about today's computers on a 50-year-old mainframe.

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  • Author Bill Gates
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    If you are low income in the United States, you have a higher chance of going to jail than getting a 4-year degree.

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